WebWizards SEO & Digital Marketing

Hamilton Based Digital Marketing & Website Optimisation Specialists

Our highly skilled team have been designing, building, marketing and optimising websites since 2002.

shopify partners

Need to get online fast to sell items for "Click and Collect" local pickup and deliveries?
We are offering an expedited service to get you selling online fast!

We offer an free unlimited Shopify demo account for Shopify.

Shopify E-Commerce

Digital Marketing Experts

We are a digital marketing agency and are experts in online marketing.

Stand out and be visible in front of customers who are looking for your product or service.

Our transparent system enables clients see exactly what we are doing for them and where their money is going – no smoke, no mirrors, no hidden costs.

About WebWizards

WebWizards are Google Partners

Certified & Trusted by Google.

We use Data, Not Guesswork
For Proven, Measurable Results

Our Google Partnership

Looking for Something Else?

WebWizards can do (almost) anything you need for your website or digital marketing.

Full Service & Solutions List

Making Your Website Work For You

We are an online marketing company specialising in SEO.

We get to understand our clients' business intimately and partner with them to produce results and grow their business.

By taking time to understand how visitors interact with a website, we can create controlled tests to improve the conversion rate of a website, improve user experience and increase sales.

"Businesses with a website grow at least twice as fast as businesses that stay offline"

23+ Years Experience

350+ Clients

3000+ Projects